
How did You Get Up Here???

I’m convinced that when we die we will have many surprises in store for us. Hopefully, the surprises will be good ones. One of our surprises may be that someone who we least expected to get to Heaven, made it into Heaven. Another surprise may be that someone who we thought was a great person […]


April Showers Bring May Flowers

It’s almost that time of the year again where we look at how our lawn and garden are doing as they start to show life again. We may lay down mulch, pull weeds, treat diseased plants, water, fertilize, and much more to get everything growing good. However, not every plant survives the winter and some […]


This is my Chosen Son, Listen to Him

Many times we look at this world and wonder how and why things got so messed up. We are living in an era where all life could be wiped out at any moment. Just look at what’s going on with the conflict in Ukraine. The situation could easily escalate to the point of all out […]


Trust in the Lord

We all have a list of things we want and have feelings of what we think we deserve in life. We have a plan of how things are supposed to go and when things don’t go our way, we turn to the complaint department. The one who gets bombarded with the complaints is God. God […]