Advent Mary Spiritual

A Mother’s Love

Few things in the world are as comforting as a mother’s love for her children. When something goes wrong, children instinctively call out to their mothers for help, comfort, and guidance. Whether or not we’ve been blessed with an amazing earthly mom, we all share the incredible gift of having Mary, the mother of Jesus, as our spiritual mother.

When Mary visited her relative Elizabeth, Elizabeth exclaimed, “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Like Elizabeth, we may wonder how it’s possible that Mary is with us. Yet Jesus made it clear from the cross. Seeing His mother and the disciple He loved standing nearby, He said to her, “Woman, behold, your son!” Then He told the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” From that moment, Mary became the spiritual mother of us all.

As a loving mother, Mary offers comfort during our struggles, guidance when we feel lost, and most importantly, she leads us to her Son. She understands the pains of life, having endured the agony of watching her Son die on the cross. Mary also knows our fears and doubts because she experienced her own, yet she remained steadfast in her faith and trust in God.

Good mothers embody self-sacrifice. Every day, I witness my wife doing things she doesn’t particularly enjoy—yet she does them out of love for our family. Mary made the ultimate sacrifice. She could have lived a quiet, normal life. Instead, she gave her body, her plans, and her future to God’s will, bringing light and salvation into the world. Her sacrifice deserves our recognition and honor.

Many people today feel deeply alone. A homeless man on the street longs for someone to acknowledge his existence. A wealthy individual, surrounded by material abundance, may have no true friends. In these moments of loneliness, remember Mary is always near. While we might not feel her physical embrace or hear her voice, she loves us as her children and cares for us deeply.

As we approach the final week of Advent, let’s reflect on Mary’s courageous “yes” to God. Her trust, faithfulness, and love inspire us to live better lives. By following her example, we can grow closer to God. And one day, we’ll run into our Mother’s arms and experience her love fully.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.