evangelization Guidance and Direction Spiritual

As the Father Has Sent Me, so I Send You

Staying on the right path to Heaven isn’t an easy task. It seems like it takes a lot of effort just to ensure we’re taking care of our own spiritual life. However, one of the biggest things every Christian is tasked with is evangelization and helping others get to Heaven as well.

While it’s important for us to be engaged and active when we’re a part of an organization, if the other members aren’t engaged and interested, the organization will eventually wither away. Christianity needs its members to be engaged and active for it to survive and thrive. It’s not enough for us to just do our own part, we have to engage and inspire others to be involved as well.

If we truly profess to be Christians, we should want the best for our neighbors. To be with God for all of eternity is the greatest gift we could ever receive and we should want to help others get to experience that. Conversely, the worst thing possible is to be eternally separated from God and we should want to protect others from that fate.

Jesus is the light of the world, but we too have our own light that we can use to help point others towards God. Don’t be afraid to let our light shine when we get opportunities. We may be fearful of rejection or condemnation if we speak out in favor of good and against evil. Remember that the world sometimes has a different definition of what good and bad is. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, so it’s best if we stick with His definition of good and evil. Let’s always strive to use our light to help show others the way to eternal happiness.

I dedicate my blog this week to Ann Vanderslice, who was a friend of my parents. She lost her battle with cancer on April 3rd, 2024, but I believe she is now rejoicing in Heaven with God. She frequently read and commented on my blogs and was a very smart and kind woman. She definitely helped make the world a little brighter by letting her light shine.