
The Two Shall Become One Flesh

One of the big messages being pushed lately is equality of the sexes. Society tells us that men and women should all have the same rights, opportunities, and be treated equally. While this message should be true in regards to certain aspects of life, we are not all the same and we shouldn’t be treated […]


Airway to Heaven

You book a flight for an upcoming trip that you have been planning for a long time. When you get to the airport for your flight, you find out that you have been upgraded to first class at no extra charge. During the flight, you are served a delicious meal. The cabin crew helps make […]


The Last Will Be First

When I race against my kids and lose, I will sometimes say, “Well, the Bible says the last shall be first.” Of course, they never accept my excuse, but it is absolutely true in regards to gaining treasure in heaven. There are basically two attitudes we can have towards our neighbor that will affect our […]


How to Become Spiritually Wealthy

We all want to be successful and have enough money to take care of ourselves and our family. A little extra money would be nice too. Money is nice in this life, but it is finite and can’t be taken with us when we die. Spiritual wealth is infinite and we should spend more of […]


Be Opened

The world can be a noisy and distracting place. Our ears are bombarded with so much noise and filth from all around us and can get clogged up, preventing us from truly listening. We need to clean out our ears and work at keeping them clean and clear. Did you listen to the back and […]


Looking With a Different Light

We all come from different backgrounds and cultures. Something that one person might find good, another may find repulsive. I’m from Louisiana and I love crawfish, jambalaya, and red beans and rice, but I never got into sweet tea, grits, or boudin. Sometimes, people do weird things to me, like backing into parking spaces. Although, […]


To Whom Shall We Go

When I was a kid and much less mature, I felt sometimes like my parents were unjust with me over one issue or another and a few times I thought about leaving. The main problem with me picking up and leaving was the fact that I didn’t have anywhere to go or any money to […]