
So That Your Joy May Be Complete

Jesus tells us that He loves us as much as the Father loves Him and that He wants us to remain in His love. We remain in His love by doing what Jesus commands us to do. There aren’t any hidden messages in the gospel for this week. Jesus plainly states, “This I command you: […]


Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of the year again when the grass starts growing, flowers start blooming, people start sneezing. It’s also a time when a lot of people clean and clear out the messes in their lives. Spring is my favorite season. I love the feeling of renewal and rebirth. I was pruning our rose bush […]


I’ll be Baa…ck

We are bombarded by many external influences in our lives. We can be influenced by our coworkers, peers, family, and society, just to name a few. However, Jesus is the only influencer who always has our best interest in mind and loves us so much that He died that we may live forever. Jesus is […]



Jesus appeared to the apostles in person and showed them His wounds from the cross. Even with the best proof of all standing right in front of them, the apostles still had a hard time believing that He was really there body and soul and risen from the dead. If most of the apostles had […]


Divine Mercy

Ever since the first sin was committed, humanity has perfected the art of sinning. As a whole, we have checked off just about every sin possible and we keep repeating them over and over. It is sometimes hard to imagine a God who would continue to forgive us after we keep doing so much wrong. […]


The Stone that the Builders Rejected

Jesus was rejected by the world and crucified. He came into the world to show people the way and the truth, but many people didn’t want to follow Him or listen to Him. The message that Jesus proclaimed required the world to get rid of their old ways or get rid of Him. They chose […]


Eloi, Eloi, Lema Sabachthani

Many times we have cried out, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”. We do our best to be good and do what is right and we still fall flat on our face. Does God even care? Am I disappointing Him somehow? God never promised us that there would never be any pain […]