
Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

As we enter into the first week of advent, we are starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Decorations are going up, presents are being bought, and Christmas songs are being sung. Every time you hear the word Santa in “Santa Claus in Coming to Town”, replace it with Jesus Christ and it starts to […]


Don’t Be a Scrooge

As a whole, we are a very lazy and self centered society. We tend to do just the minimum required to get by. It’s sometimes hard to see the benefit of putting in extra effort. However, the person on the receiving end of the effort definitely notices. We don’t go through life alone. Even though […]


You’ve Got Talent

All people are created equal in dignity and respect, but different in terms of ability. The world needs that diversity. Some people have many talents and others only have one or two. It doesn’t matter how many we have. What counts is how we use them. The body of Christ is often compared to the […]


Stay Awake

This year has been a crazy year so far. It seems like everything has been cancelled. Some people are afraid to go places, and those that are not worried have a hard time finding somewhere to go that is open. Even churches were closed for awhile leaving people feeling isolated and empty. Many people think […]


Your Free Happiness Guide

Many people spend lots of money on psychologists and self help programs in search of how they can find happiness. However, there is a free happiness guide hidden in the Bible in the form of the beatitudes. If we can learn to follow the beatitudes, we will find true happiness. Blessed are the poor in […]


The Greatest Commandments

The ten commandments can be summed in two commandments. We should love God with all of our heart and love our neighbor as ourself. God doesn’t give us commandments to burden us; he knows that following them is what’s best for us. Just think of how different the world would be if everyone followed those […]


Repay to God What Is God’s

The gospel for today reminds me of the old saying from Benjamin Franklin which says, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” In the gospel, Jesus says to repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. What belongs to God? God created everything and put existence […]