
You are Cordially Invited

You are invited to a place that will make you happy beyond your wildest dreams. This place will put an end to any suffering, pain, or stress that you have. You will understand the mind of God, all of creation, and how you fit into it. You will join with everyone else invited and bask […]


The Cornerstone of our Lives

I don’t care what You want me to do. I’m going to do what I want to do. Pride is the foundation of every sin. As a parent, I can understand a little bit of how God feels when I tell my kids to do or not to do something and they do the opposite. […]


Following through

Over thirty percent of the world’s population identifies as Christian. How many of those thirty percent actually know their faith and live it in their daily lives? How many of those that know and live their faith are actually trying to grow in their faith? I can say that I’m a pilot, but what if […]


Working for God

In the parable of the landowner, there is grumbling because the laborers who only worked for a short time, get paid the same as those who worked all day. I think most of us would be grumbling if that happened in our jobs. However, in regards to the kingdom of heaven it makes sense. There […]


When our Heroes Let us Down

We all have people that we look up to, admire, and trust. A good role model can help us to be a better person. When we find good and holy role models, they can help us grow closer to God. The sad part is when these role models let us down through sin of their […]



You won’t believe what he did to me! Just wait until everyone hears about this! She is going to be in so much trouble! Are these the words we want Jesus to say about us when we do something wrong? When we pray the Our Father, we ask God to forgive us our sins as […]


Get behind me Satan!

Jesus was facing temptation from one of His closest companions. Satan was tempting Him through Peter by saying He didn’t have to go through His passion and die. In last weeks gospel, Jesus calls Peter the rock on which He will build His church and this week He is calling His rock Satan. Jesus says, […]