
By Your Perseverance You Will Secure Your Lives

We don’t know when Jesus will return to us and usher in the end of this era. We don’t know what will happen in regards to war, disease, famine and most importantly, we don’t know how long each of us will live.

Our lives are full of ups and downs, but we need to be strong to withstand the hard times. It’s not a matter of if things will get bad, it’s a matter of when will things get bad. As a pilot, I train to be prepared for all kinds of bad scenarios. If I wasn’t trained for the bad, I would be a lot more likely to fail when things got tough.

We too need to be prepared for the hard times. What will we do if people persecute us? Will we stand strong or surrender? What if we lose our job, possessions, or even a loved one? Will our faith be strong enough to weather the storm? If our faith is just barely there during the easy times, how will it stand during the tough times?

We need to periodically evaluate our relationships in our life. How is our relationship with our spouse and what should we do to improve it? How are our friendships? Are they leading us in the right direction or astray? How is our relationship with Jesus? Have we barely talked to Him and rarely visited Him? Do we feel like we know Him or is He a mystery to us?

One way to build a relationship with someone is to learn about them. The more we know about someone, the better we know them. I learn more and more about what my wife likes and what she doesn’t and that helps improve our relationship. We need to learn what Jesus likes and dislikes as well and we will be off to a good start. Just as learning more about our job helps us to do our job better, learning more about our faith helps us increase our faith.

Are we prepared to go through the fire and pain of life to get to the joy on the other side? When we fall again and again in the face of sin, do we give up and let the sin win or do we continue to stand back up, fight the good fight, and fend off evil until the end. It is through our perseverance that we will secure our eternal life in Heaven.

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