Eucharist Faith Follow God Guidance and Direction Holy Spirit Jesus Spiritual Trust

You Have the Words of Everlasting Life

In last week’s Gospel, Jesus had just told his disciples to eat His body and drink His blood in order to gain eternal life. This week, we get to see how many people reacted. A lot of people who had followed Jesus up to that point, couldn’t accept this teaching and so they left Him […]

Depression Faith Father Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Reward Spiritual

God Provides Abundantly

Many families struggle to make ends meet, especially with rising prices and stagnant wages. Living paycheck to paycheck is common, and many feel depressed. I’ve been all over the country and have seen many of the homeless and outcasts of society. Those in need often feel unheard and abandoned. However, Jesus provides for those who […]

Catholic Church evangelization Faith Getting to Heaven Spiritual

Evangelization is an Ad-venture

We live in a society that bombards us with ads and commercials. Websites and apps are full of ads, and it’s hard to watch any kind of video without having to endure lots of commercial fluff. Billboards line the roads and ads are even on the sides of vehicles. Companies want to make money, and […]

Catholic Church Faith Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Perseverance Reward Saints Spiritual Trust

I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing

As we get older, we find it easier to understand the world around us. However, there are still many things that we can’t fully understand and explain. Understanding God, His kingdom, and His plan for us requires faith. While we may understand some aspects of reality and much of what Jesus teaches, we need to […]

Depression Faith Fear Help Listen Pain and Suffering prayer Spiritual Stress

Why Are You Terrified?

We try our best to live comfortable and enjoyable lives, but bad things happen. Life can often be tough, and some people suffer a lot of pain in this life. I pray to God that my family and I all live happy and healthy lives, but that’s not always the case. No matter how hard […]

Faith Guidance and Direction Holy Spirit Spiritual Trust

I Have Much More To Tell You, but You Cannot Bear It Now

We have so many questions that we wish we knew the answers to. It’s disappointing to know that we’ll probably never know the answers to many of our questions in this lifetime. Even though we may not know all the answers, Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit to guide us to the answers. The […]

Catholic Church Divine Mercy Faith Getting to Heaven Listen rejoicing Reward Spiritual Trust Truth

Why Do Questions Arise in Your Hearts?

When Jesus appeared to His disciples, they were frightened and thought He was a ghost. Jesus had to jump through hoops to prove that He was actually there in body and soul. He showed them His hands and feet and even ate something in front of them. He then recited the scripture detailing how the […]