Faith Father Fire Getting to Heaven Holy Spirit Pain and Suffering Perseverance Purification Spiritual

Baptism of Fire

Many wondered if John the Baptist was the Christ, but John put an end to that speculation, saying, “I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of His sandals.” He also declared, “I baptize you with water… He will baptize you with Spirit and fire.” Fire is a force that demands respect. It has the […]

Faith Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven human nature Jesus Listen Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Reward Selflessness Spiritual Trust

Thinking as God Does

Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” This message directly opposes the world’s teaching. The world teaches us to do what we want and focus on making ourselves happy. Living this way may make us happy in this life, but it will […]

Depression Faith Father Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Reward Spiritual

God Provides Abundantly

Many families struggle to make ends meet, especially with rising prices and stagnant wages. Living paycheck to paycheck is common, and many feel depressed. I’ve been all over the country and have seen many of the homeless and outcasts of society. Those in need often feel unheard and abandoned. However, Jesus provides for those who […]

Child of God family Father Getting to Heaven Morality Spiritual

Spreading Seeds of Faith

As a father, I want my two boys to grow up to be good, holy men. I would like them to be successful in their careers and live happy and healthy lives, but my top priority is to help them reach Heaven. I tell them that I will be happy with whatever career they choose […]

Father Holy Spirit Jesus Spiritual Trinity

The Trinity

This coming Sunday is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I’m sure many priests don’t look forward to writing a homily about this topic, as the Trinity is very hard to wrap our minds around. The best thing to do is to invoke the Holy Spirit to help guide us to the truth about […]

Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Light Meaning of Life Spiritual Truth

Come to the Light

We sometimes feel like we are in the dark and have a hard time discerning what to do or where to go in life. There are so many choices available to us and we can easily get overwhelmed. We can even have a tough time deciding on what is right and wrong and good or […]

Advent Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Love Meaning of Life Spiritual

Rejoicing in God Our Savior

As we enter into the third week of Advent, let’s embrace the theme of the week, which is joy. We should also work to rekindle the special joy that God brings us. Lots of things bring us joy, but the biggest joy we receive should be from God. Joy is defined as a feeling of […]