Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Love Meaning of Life Spiritual Unity

Love is the Answer

There are so many people who are confused and need guidance in life. Many just don’t know what to do with their life and so they end up wasting their life away doing meaningless or unproductive things. Others get depressed and end up turning to drugs to try to get a high or suicide to […]

Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Help Joy Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Reward Selflessness Spiritual

Repay to God What Belongs to God

Many successful people will look at all of their accomplishments and say, “Look what I did!” They take pride in accomplishing something on their own and not needing any help. Well, we don’t accomplish anything in this world alone. All of our gifts come from God. He guides us, even in small ways, to the […]

Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Morality Reward Spiritual

Many are Invited, but Few are Chosen

At the beginning of humanity’s existence, God had us living in paradise with Him. It was only after we messed it up and committed sin that we were kicked out. We were forbidden entry into Heaven until Jesus came into the world as a human and gave His life for us. The invitation to have […]

Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Labor Light Listen Meaning of Life Morality Obedience Reward Spiritual

Listening and Following Through

As a parent, I know the frustration of having my kids ignore me when I ask them to do something. I’ll ask one to put his towel in the clothes hamper, only to later find the towel on the floor. I’ll ask the other to stop making annoying sounds, but he keeps making them. When […]

Getting to Heaven Gifts and Giving Guidance and Direction Heaven Labor Obedience Spiritual Talent

Summon the Laborers

The Covid shutdowns devastated our economy and laid off millions of people. However, even now that business is once again booming, companies are struggling to find people who want to work. There are many reasons for the shortage of workers, but without turning this into an economic blog, let’s look at a more important shortage: […]

Forgiveness Getting to Heaven Gifts and Giving Morality Put Others First Saints Spiritual Virtue

Even if You Don’t Love Me Anymore

Forgiveness is an easy concept until someone actually does something very bad to us. Somethings are easy to forgive, while others are a lot harder. While it may be hard to forgive someone, we need to do it not only for ourselves but for the other person as well. We’ve all done something to offend […]