Faith Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven human nature Jesus Listen Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Reward Selflessness Spiritual Trust

Thinking as God Does

Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” This message directly opposes the world’s teaching. The world teaches us to do what we want and focus on making ourselves happy. Living this way may make us happy in this life, but it will […]

Follow God Getting to Heaven Heaven Love Meaning of Life Spiritual

From Within the Heart

Bad habits are common. Whether it’s smoking, drinking too much, biting fingernails, or eating too much junk food, these behaviors can harm our health. While all those behaviors can be harmful, the real damage is done from within our hearts. We interact with the world through our actions, and behind every action is a desire […]

Body of Christ family Getting to Heaven Heaven Labor Love Marriage Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Put Others First Reward Sacrament Selflessness Spiritual

My Flesh For the Life of the World

This week, the Gospel continues with the theme of bread. Jesus says, “I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Jesus not only give us His body in the Eucharist, […]

Demonic Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Lost shepherd Spiritual Temptation

The Lord is My Shepherd

Sheep thrive under a shepherd’s care. Without one, they tend to wander and get lost. Predators can easily attack unprotected sheep and the flock is more prone to illness. The shepherd ensures the sheep have adequate food and water, and keeps the flock together. Jesus is our shepherd and we need to let Him lead […]

Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Labor laziness Pain and Suffering Spiritual Temptation

I Say to You Arise

In the Gospel for this weekend, a man named Jairus approached Jesus and asked Him to heal his daughter who was about to die. When Jesus got to the girl, the people said she had already died. Jesus said not to worry because she was just sleeping, and then He called on the girl to […]

Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Spiritual

Unless a Grain of Wheat Shall Fall

The world gives us so many possibilities of things to do and so many opportunities to do them. From a young age, we are taught to pursue our dreams, get a good job, make a lot of money, and live life to the fullest. We come up with a plan for what we want to […]

Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Light Meaning of Life Spiritual Truth

Come to the Light

We sometimes feel like we are in the dark and have a hard time discerning what to do or where to go in life. There are so many choices available to us and we can easily get overwhelmed. We can even have a tough time deciding on what is right and wrong and good or […]