Faith Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven human nature Jesus Listen Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Reward Selflessness Spiritual Trust

Thinking as God Does

Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” This message directly opposes the world’s teaching. The world teaches us to do what we want and focus on making ourselves happy. Living this way may make us happy in this life, but it will […]

Eucharist Faith Follow God Guidance and Direction Holy Spirit Jesus Spiritual Trust

You Have the Words of Everlasting Life

In last week’s Gospel, Jesus had just told his disciples to eat His body and drink His blood in order to gain eternal life. This week, we get to see how many people reacted. A lot of people who had followed Jesus up to that point, couldn’t accept this teaching and so they left Him […]

Eucharist Getting to Heaven Jesus Sacrament Spiritual

Jesus is To Die For

People often say that you haven’t really lived until you’ve done this or that. Another popular expression is, “This is to die for.” I believe Jesus best exemplifies both of these ideas. In this week’s Gospel, Jesus says, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and […]

Demonic Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Lost shepherd Spiritual Temptation

The Lord is My Shepherd

Sheep thrive under a shepherd’s care. Without one, they tend to wander and get lost. Predators can easily attack unprotected sheep and the flock is more prone to illness. The shepherd ensures the sheep have adequate food and water, and keeps the flock together. Jesus is our shepherd and we need to let Him lead […]

Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Labor laziness Pain and Suffering Spiritual Temptation

I Say to You Arise

In the Gospel for this weekend, a man named Jairus approached Jesus and asked Him to heal his daughter who was about to die. When Jesus got to the girl, the people said she had already died. Jesus said not to worry because she was just sleeping, and then He called on the girl to […]

Body of Christ Catholic Church Eucharist Follow God Getting to Heaven Jesus Sacrament Spiritual

The Sacrifice that Gives Us Eternal Life

In ancient times, animal sacrifices were held for a variety of reasons. Sacrifices were made to show honor to gods, for atonement, purification, fertility, bountiful harvests, covenants, oaths, and also for communal bonding. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by offering Himself as the sacrificial lamb for us. He also invites us to enter into His […]

Father Holy Spirit Jesus Spiritual Trinity

The Trinity

This coming Sunday is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I’m sure many priests don’t look forward to writing a homily about this topic, as the Trinity is very hard to wrap our minds around. The best thing to do is to invoke the Holy Spirit to help guide us to the truth about […]