Many wondered if John the Baptist was the Christ, but John put an end to that speculation, saying, “I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of His sandals.” He also declared, “I baptize you with water… He will baptize you with Spirit and fire.” Fire is a force that demands respect. It has the […]
Category: Pain and Suffering
This week, the Gospel continues with the theme of bread. Jesus says, “I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Jesus not only give us His body in the Eucharist, […]
Many families struggle to make ends meet, especially with rising prices and stagnant wages. Living paycheck to paycheck is common, and many feel depressed. I’ve been all over the country and have seen many of the homeless and outcasts of society. Those in need often feel unheard and abandoned. However, Jesus provides for those who […]
In the Gospel for this weekend, a man named Jairus approached Jesus and asked Him to heal his daughter who was about to die. When Jesus got to the girl, the people said she had already died. Jesus said not to worry because she was just sleeping, and then He called on the girl to […]
We try our best to live comfortable and enjoyable lives, but bad things happen. Life can often be tough, and some people suffer a lot of pain in this life. I pray to God that my family and I all live happy and healthy lives, but that’s not always the case. No matter how hard […]
Just this past week, I got a chance to go to the WWII museum in New Orleans, LA. The museum does a very good job of telling the story of the war, as well as documenting the pain and suffering of those involved. This war has left such a huge mark on the history of […]
Most people seem to have lots of goals that they want to pursue, but when it comes time to actually doing them, they struggle. I’ve noticed that as I get older, I’m not able to do the same things that I did when I was in my prime. My mind still thinks of myself as […]