Christmas is a busy time of the year. There are parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and lots and lots of shopping. Many believe it’s not the most wonderful time of the year. However, Christmas offers a great opportunity to rekindle relationships with family and grow close with those we love the most. The family […]
Category: Put Others First
When we recognize that all we have in life is a gift from God, we are moved to give back to Him who blessed us. God, through our parents, gave us life. He also gave us all of our talents expecting us to use those talents not only for ourselves, but to benefit others. Whether […]
One of my favorite Disney movies is Aladdin. It has an interesting story, and Robin Williams adds a lot of humor to the film. The movie shows how a single wish can change someone’s life for better or worse. We all have our own wants and desires and if we are Christians, most of us […]
In the Gospel for this weekend, a man asks Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” After the man tells Jesus that he follows all the commandments, Jesus responds, “Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven; then come, follow me.” The man, saddened […]
At a certain point in our lives, we shift our perception of the opposite sex from just being a friend to potentially being something more. This shift launches our search for the right person. When a couple falls in love and decides they want to spend the rest of their lives together, they will most […]
My kids turn everything into a competition. They race to the front door when we come home and compare who got the most dessert in their bowl. Even Jesus’s apostles debated who among them was the greatest. However, Jesus tells His apostles that if they want to be first, they must be last, and if […]
Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” This message directly opposes the world’s teaching. The world teaches us to do what we want and focus on making ourselves happy. Living this way may make us happy in this life, but it will […]