Gifts and Giving Guidance and Direction Labor Light Put Others First Role Models Spiritual Talent

Unleash Your Talents

God blesses the world with a diverse multitude of talented people. When everyone contributes their talent, the world becomes a better place. Not only should we each contribute to society through our profession, we should also use our various talents to bring people to a closer relationship with God. We not only have the ability […]

Humility Put Others First Spiritual Unity

Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted

One of the good things in this world is that there is a large amount of diversity. No two people are exactly alike. Some are good singers, others good at math, and others make great priests. Some people make a lot of money and can afford anything they want and others can’t even afford the […]

Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Help Joy Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Reward Selflessness Spiritual

Repay to God What Belongs to God

Many successful people will look at all of their accomplishments and say, “Look what I did!” They take pride in accomplishing something on their own and not needing any help. Well, we don’t accomplish anything in this world alone. All of our gifts come from God. He guides us, even in small ways, to the […]

Forgiveness Getting to Heaven Gifts and Giving Morality Put Others First Saints Spiritual Virtue

Even if You Don’t Love Me Anymore

Forgiveness is an easy concept until someone actually does something very bad to us. Somethings are easy to forgive, while others are a lot harder. While it may be hard to forgive someone, we need to do it not only for ourselves but for the other person as well. We’ve all done something to offend […]