Father Holy Spirit Jesus Spiritual Trinity

The Trinity

This coming Sunday is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I’m sure many priests don’t look forward to writing a homily about this topic, as the Trinity is very hard to wrap our minds around. The best thing to do is to invoke the Holy Spirit to help guide us to the truth about […]

Faith Guidance and Direction Holy Spirit Spiritual Trust

I Have Much More To Tell You, but You Cannot Bear It Now

We have so many questions that we wish we knew the answers to. It’s disappointing to know that we’ll probably never know the answers to many of our questions in this lifetime. Even though we may not know all the answers, Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit to guide us to the answers. The […]

Mary Spiritual

Happy Mother’s Day!

Once a year, we celebrate our mothers and those who have been a mother to us. Being called a mother is typically easy, but being called a good mother takes a lot of effort, sacrifice, and hard work. Mothers not only provide for the needs of their children, but they also keep them safe and […]

Commandments Compassion Forgiveness human nature Humility Love Pain and Suffering Peace Selflessness Spiritual war

How the Lack of Love Leads Us to War

Just this past week, I got a chance to go to the WWII museum in New Orleans, LA. The museum does a very good job of telling the story of the war, as well as documenting the pain and suffering of those involved. This war has left such a huge mark on the history of […]

Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual Trust Unity

Remain in Me, as I Remain in You

Although we may travel far in this world, we should never forget where we came from. Through the help of our parents, God created each of us and gave us not only a physical body, but an everlasting soul. Jesus grants us forgiveness of sins through baptism and reconciliation and allows us tap into the […]

Body of Christ Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Listen Spiritual

The Good Shepherd

God created the Heavens and the Earth, the plants and the animals, all of the angels, and caused everything in the entire universe to come to existence. However, out of all of creation, only humanity was blessed to be made in the image of God. From the beginning, God intended us to be in a […]

Catholic Church Divine Mercy Faith Getting to Heaven Listen rejoicing Reward Spiritual Trust Truth

Why Do Questions Arise in Your Hearts?

When Jesus appeared to His disciples, they were frightened and thought He was a ghost. Jesus had to jump through hoops to prove that He was actually there in body and soul. He showed them His hands and feet and even ate something in front of them. He then recited the scripture detailing how the […]