Throughout history, humanity has achieved incredible milestones. We’ve reached this point thanks to the ingenuity and hard work of countless individuals. While each person’s contributions have varied, together we’ve accomplished remarkable things. Every day, I rely on inventions and conveniences that I can’t imagine living without. Indoor plumbing and electricity, for example, vastly improve my […]
Category: Talent
When we recognize that all we have in life is a gift from God, we are moved to give back to Him who blessed us. God, through our parents, gave us life. He also gave us all of our talents expecting us to use those talents not only for ourselves, but to benefit others. Whether […]
God blesses the world with a diverse multitude of talented people. When everyone contributes their talent, the world becomes a better place. Not only should we each contribute to society through our profession, we should also use our various talents to bring people to a closer relationship with God. We not only have the ability […]
The Covid shutdowns devastated our economy and laid off millions of people. However, even now that business is once again booming, companies are struggling to find people who want to work. There are many reasons for the shortage of workers, but without turning this into an economic blog, let’s look at a more important shortage: […]