Almsgiving Faith fasting Getting to Heaven Good fruit Guidance and Direction Labor lent Meaning of Life prayer Spiritual

Every Tree is Known by Its Fruit

At the end of our lives, when we pass into the next, we will see the fruits of our labor. Every decision we’ve made will reveal how it has shaped the lives of others, for better or worse. The phrase “fake news” gets thrown around a lot, but deception surrounds us everywhere. Yet, when we stand before God, the veil of lies will be torn away. The truth will be clear, and we will finally see the bigger picture.

Most of us believe we’re good people, but Jesus reminds us that a tree is known by its fruit. How much good fruit have we produced? Life can be unfair and difficult, but do we focus on spreading negativity, or do we seek out and share the goodness around us, no matter how small? Do we complain more than we give thanks? Most importantly, do we shine as a light that points to God, or do we hide Him from others, acting as if He doesn’t exist?

Our light should shine brightly for others, but if it dims, we won’t lead anyone in the right direction. Jesus warns us to remove the plank from our own eye before trying to take the splinter from someone else’s. Just as we wouldn’t take relationship advice from someone who struggles with relationships, we shouldn’t seek spiritual guidance from someone who lacks a strong relationship with Jesus. We also need to make sure to keep our light bright before we can lead others. 

The book of Sirach tells us that a tree’s fruit reveals the care it has received. Likewise, our spiritual lives need nourishment to produce good fruit. As we enter the season of Lent, let’s commit to strengthening our faith each day. By deepening our prayer life, fasting from something we enjoy, and giving more of ourselves, we will cultivate a harvest of good fruit. If we can stick to these practices for 40 days, by Easter, we will be beaming with light and we will look more like our Father in Heaven. 

One reply on “Every Tree is Known by Its Fruit”

I appreciate how your introduction reminds us that God knows the Truth … is the Truth. Thanks for the encouragement to nourish our spiritual lives this Lenten season. As noted, prayer, fasting and almsgiving can help us “cultivate a harvest of good fruit.” I also find that my life often needs pruning as well – to root out some of the weeds that accumulate in my daily routine. Like the weeding that our yard requires, this is always a work in progress. Thanks again for the post.

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