End Times Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual

From Earth to Eternity: Starting the Journey

We may find this world comfortable to live in at times; however, it won’t last forever. The world’s end feels increasingly imminent. Just look at the doomsday clock and the headlines to see how close we are to the end. The world will end, and so will our lives. The real question is: how are we preparing for the inevitable?

Some people are building bunkers and stocking up food and toilet paper for the hypothetical zombie apocalypse. Others carry on as if nothing could ever go wrong. Neither approach works. Our goal isn’t to live a long and comfortable life on Earth—it’s to prepare for an eternity in Heaven. To achieve this, we must take action, ready to make the necessary changes in our lives. Ignoring the signs of the times isn’t an option. If we walk through life with blinders on, we might miss something important that God is trying to tell us. 

Change can help us, but it can also harm us if we aren’t careful. Countries change their laws over time to satisfy public opinion. However, God’s law doesn’t change. Many have tried to alter Church teachings. While some rules have changed or could change, others are unchangeable. Jesus gave the Church the authority to bind and loose, but if we believe that Jesus speaks the truth, we must not try to rewrite His words or teachings. He is the Way and the Truth. We must ask ourselves: do we try to change God to suit our desires or do we seek to change ourselves to align with His will?

When we focus our lives on journeying toward God, we will find Him. If we chase only worldly things, we’ll end up with nothing when they disappear. Before starting a trip, we calculate how long it will take us to reach our destination. A wise traveler plans to arrive on time—or even early. Yet in life, most of us don’t know how long our journey will last. If you haven’t started your journey, now’s the time to get on the road and head in the right direction. Leave the rest to God.