Follow God Listen prayer Spiritual Truth

He Has Made the Deaf Hear

As many of the people who are close to me know, I had a scare recently when I suddenly lost hearing in my right ear. I couldn’t identify a specific cause and the doctor could only speculate. Losing my hearing was frightening and it’s amazing how life can change in an instant.

We are used to perceiving the world in a certain way, and we tend to stick with what’s comfortable. However, sometimes life forces us to see something differently. In my case, I’ve never related to those with hearing problems, but when I faced my own, I was forced to understand. Others might hold strong political or religious views and close their ears to other ideas. However, someone might say or do something that opens them up to see a new perspective.

How do we respond when we hear another point of view? Do we close our ears to it, or do we open ourselves up to the possibility that it might be the better one? While we shouldn’t accept every view that we encounter, we should always seek the truth. Jesus is the truth and we should spend our entire lives seeking Him. We have to put forth some effort and research on our part to find the truth. The truth rarely just falls in our lap, so if we close ourselves off to new ideas, we will just stay in the same place.

Only about 30-50% of people with sudden acute hearing loss fully recover. Not only did I act fast and seek out medical help, but I sought out prayers from friends and family. I believe that those prayers played a role in my full recovery. Someone even offered a Mass for me. At my follow-up hearing test, not only had my hearing improved, but it was perfect for someone my age. 

It’s important to pray for others and never underestimate the power of prayer. I pray for those who have drifted from the faith and from the Catholic Church and I encourage you to do so as well. Studies show that only 10-20% of those who leave the Catholic Church return. Globally, the percentage of people who don’t have any religion has risen from about 10% in 1980 to 16% in 2024 and in the United States, it has increased from about 8% to 30%. Praying for someone or offering a Mass for them can bring grace into their lives. Their life might not always outwardly appear to change for the better after prayer. The person you are praying for may get knocked off their feet or have a setback, but sometimes that’s what it takes to help the person change for the better. Tragedies can often lead to growth. 

Always seek the truth and remain open to new ideas. If we shut ourselves off to everything, we will never grow. It’s important to have a filter, not an impenetrable barrier. Finally, pray not only for yourself, but others as well. Prayer is often the best way to help someone in need. If we keep our ears open to the truth, one day we’ll hear Jesus say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant, now enter in to the joy of your Master’s house.”
