
I Am With You Always

Many times in our life, we feel like we are going through life alone. Remember that life isn’t a solo endeavor. Jesus tells us that He will remain with us until the end of the age. Where have I heard this before?

When a man and a woman stand together to profess their love for each other in the sacrament of marriage, they promise to love each other in good times and in bad as long as they both shall live. Jesus is the bridegroom and we, the church, are His bride. Just as the bridegroom loves his bride, so does Jesus love His bride.

We are in a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Are we using our time in this world to grow closer to Him or are we allowing the relationship to die? A marriage is a two way street. If one person is doing all of the loving and the other is not, then the relationship will be strained and eventually die.

Jesus made His vow to us. We should be able to make one to Him and say that we will remain with Jesus. Can you imagine how a groom would feel if there was just silence from the bride during the wedding vows? I made a vow to love my wife, Elizabeth, all the days of my life. Even though there are many times when I do things that aren’t loving to her, I always try to make amends and say I’m sorry. Thankfully, she has the patience and forgiveness of a saint. We too do things that aren’t loving to Jesus, but we should always strive to return to Him and ask for forgiveness. I guarantee that He is good at patience and forgiveness.

I’ve seen the notion of soulmates romanticized a lot in books and movies. When two soulmates find each other in the story, they instantly fall in love. Jesus is like our soulmate. God created our soul and our soul will ultimately be the happiest when it is united with the creator. When we ignore Jesus and put Him out of our mind, we are preventing that union that our soul desires. Let us not only unite ourselves with Christ, but also with each other. We are all one body of Christ and we need each other to get through this life and back to our one true love.