Faith Guidance and Direction Holy Spirit Spiritual Trust

I Have Much More To Tell You, but You Cannot Bear It Now

We have so many questions that we wish we knew the answers to. It’s disappointing to know that we’ll probably never know the answers to many of our questions in this lifetime. Even though we may not know all the answers, Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit to guide us to the answers.

The reason we don’t know all the answers is because we can’t possibly understand all of the answers. If my seven year old son asked how gravity works and I went into a long explanation using complicated mathematical terms, he would be totally confused. Our brains are like a child’s brain when it comes to understanding the universe and reality. We are currently incapable of grasping certain concepts. Try explaining to a flat two-dimensional creature that only knows length and width what the third dimension of depth is. There are also other dimensions and realities that we just can’t comprehend yet.

God is outside of space and time and thus He exists at all times and places simultaneously. He can see all of creation and knows everyone’s thoughts. After Jesus rose from the dead, He was able to appear and disappear from a location at will. God isn’t magic, but is easily able to affect reality and existence. Everything that He does has an explanation behind it, but we just aren’t able to comprehend the answer yet.

Why do good people seem to suffer more than evil ones? Why do innocent children get sick and die? What path should we take and what decision should we make? How can we even begin to find the truth when we have a limited understanding of reality? God sends us the Holy Spirit to guide us.

How do we know that the Holy Spirit is actually the one guiding us? We need to know that the Holy Spirit would never lead us to do something that is sinful or against Church teachings. When the Holy Spirit guides me, I usually get a strong urge to do something and I don’t have much uncertainty or nervousness associated with making the decision. When I get an idea on my own, I tend to feel more apprehensive or unsure about doing it. I’m not saying that I never have doubts from inspiration that comes from the Holy Spirit, but that I have more confidence that everything will be ok when the Holy Spirit is the one calling me.

In order to be guided by the Holy Spirit, we need to welcome the Spirit into our lives. If we distance ourselves from God, the Holy Spirit will have a harder time inspiring us. We don’t need to completely understand God to fall in love with Him. We just need to keep working on our relationship with Him and open ourselves to His love, knowledge, and guidance.