
I Want to See

The gift of sight allows us to see the beauty of creation and conversely, the ugliness of life as well. Being able to see allows us to better interact with the world and navigate through it. Some people need glasses to help them see and others have great sight with no help at all.

We see when light comes in our eye and is focused through the cornea and lens onto the retina. The retina turns the light into electrical signals which are then sent through the optic nerve to the brain where they are interpreted as the images we see. More important than being able to physically see with our eyes, is being able to spiritually see with our soul.

The light of God comes into our soul and is either focused or scattered depending on the health of our soul. If our soul is healthy, it will focus that light and we will clearly see God’s love for us and His will for us. If our soul isn’t very healthy, we may get a distorted picture or no picture at all.

Sometimes we need help to be able to spiritually see better. One way we can get help is through the light of God shining in other people. The light of God may be too bright for some people, but the smaller light from others can help our eyes get adjusted to the brightness. My life has been enriched through many different people that I have encountered. I believe everyone can help us along our journey. Some help show us what to do and others show us what not to do. I can see different aspects of Jesus in other people and that helps me to know and love Jesus better.

It’s important to trust the right people when looking for spiritual direction. Just as the wrong prescription for glasses can make things worse, bad advice from someone can lead us further astray. We may also like to put on rose colored glasses in an attempt to only see the good and not the faults of the world. There are a lot of bad things going on in the world and we often follow the saying of out of sight, out of mind. Acknowledging the evil in the world often requires us to change ourselves and take action. We are comfortable in our routines and our lives and don’t want to disrupt that peace. However, are we looking for peace in this life or peace in the next? We may have to take action if we want to be at peace when our time is up.

No matter how good our spiritual sight is, we should always be looking to find ways to improve it. We need to avoid those things that distort the true light of God and embrace the things that help sharpen it. With spiritually sharp eyes, we will see a better world because we will be able to better see God in others. Take courage; Jesus is calling you.