Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Love Meaning of Life Spiritual Unity

Love is the Answer

There are so many people who are confused and need guidance in life. Many just don’t know what to do with their life and so they end up wasting their life away doing meaningless or unproductive things. Others get depressed and end up turning to drugs to try to get a high or suicide to end it all. Why are we here? What are we supposed to do with our life? How do we find meaning and happiness? The answer is love.

The highest forms of love are by loving God with all of our being and loving our neighbor as ourself. Love is how we find happiness in this life and the next. If we truly love God with our whole heart, we will listen to Him and always seek to grow closer to Him. Many people claim to love God, but don’t devote any time in their day to talk to Him and learn about Him. A relationship can’t last without some sort of communication. God loves us very much and desires a relationship with each of us, but we need to do our part and reciprocate His love to allow the relationship to last.

There are so many people around us who need help and love. If we are ever feeling bored, we probably aren’t giving others enough love. We don’t need cellphones, video games, and social media to make us happy. Making others happy can give us a high that can’t be matched by any drug out there. It’s so much easier to choose to ignore others or tear them down than to help them and build them up. However, it is much more rewarding to see someone become a better person through the help we give.

We can’t solve all of the world’s problems on our own and we aren’t meant to do that. We’re meant to work together to help each other grow closer to God and to Heaven. If we each do our part and love God and each other, we can make the world a better place and find the true meaning of life.