
Truth, Justice, and the American Way?

Superman was always my favorite superhero. I loved how he was always trustworthy, noble, and good. When he dealt with the bad guys, he only neutralized the threat instead of paying back evil with evil. Superman would try to minimize casualties and even saved the lives of those he was trying to stop. Truth, justice, […]


Don’t Look For the Bare Necessities

The big question for most people of faith is, “What do I need to do to get to Heaven?” Does following the Ten Commandments, get us there? What about accepting Jesus Christ as our savior and trusting in His love and mercy? The secular world might say that as long as someone is a good […]


Don’t Let Satan Put it Out!

We are all created in the image and likeness of God who is the ultimate source of light. Each of us has a light within us to share with the world. Some may have a very bright light and others may just have a dim one. No matter how bright it is, we are all […]


Rejoice and Be Glad, For Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

We live in the valley of tears where pain, suffering, and death persist. Not only is life in general sometimes hard to bear, but it’s also tough to consistently live a virtuous life and say no to all the temptations that come our way. While following the path of Jesus is not an easy one, […]


The People Who Sit in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

I’m sure just about everyone has had moments of confusion, depression, and uncertainty in their lives. Life happens and, unfortunately, we are often left in the dark as to what direction to take. We are confused even more because the world tells us to have one set of priorities and Jesus teaches us to have […]


Full of the Spirit

The Holy Spirit is one of the most mysterious aspects of God. Many people have tried to explain who the Spirit is and although we can understand certain aspects of the Holy Spirit, it’s hard for us to fully comprehend this mystery, just as it is hard to fully explain the true nature of God. […]


Overjoyed at Seeing a Star

One thing people seem to always get excited about is seeing and meeting celebrities. We see a well known person and act like a little kid at Christmas. The person doesn’t even have to be a good or moral person for us to get excited about seeing them. I’ve gotten excited seeing some minor celebrities […]