There are so many enjoyable things to do in this world. One example is the cruise that I just went on with my family. There were shows, food, music, and all sorts of indoor and outdoor activities. We also had the chance to just relax and be lazy. It’s good to keep ourselves entertained and […]
My kids turn everything into a competition. They race to the front door when we come home and compare who got the most dessert in their bowl. Even Jesus’s apostles debated who among them was the greatest. However, Jesus tells His apostles that if they want to be first, they must be last, and if […]
Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” This message directly opposes the world’s teaching. The world teaches us to do what we want and focus on making ourselves happy. Living this way may make us happy in this life, but it will […]
As many of the people who are close to me know, I had a scare recently when I suddenly lost hearing in my right ear. I couldn’t identify a specific cause and the doctor could only speculate. Losing my hearing was frightening and it’s amazing how life can change in an instant. We are used […]
Bad habits are common. Whether it’s smoking, drinking too much, biting fingernails, or eating too much junk food, these behaviors can harm our health. While all those behaviors can be harmful, the real damage is done from within our hearts. We interact with the world through our actions, and behind every action is a desire […]
In last week’s Gospel, Jesus had just told his disciples to eat His body and drink His blood in order to gain eternal life. This week, we get to see how many people reacted. A lot of people who had followed Jesus up to that point, couldn’t accept this teaching and so they left Him […]
People often say that you haven’t really lived until you’ve done this or that. Another popular expression is, “This is to die for.” I believe Jesus best exemplifies both of these ideas. In this week’s Gospel, Jesus says, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and […]