
When our Heroes Let us Down

We all have people that we look up to, admire, and trust. A good role model can help us to be a better person. When we find good and holy role models, they can help us grow closer to God. The sad part is when these role models let us down through sin of their […]



You won’t believe what he did to me! Just wait until everyone hears about this! She is going to be in so much trouble! Are these the words we want Jesus to say about us when we do something wrong? When we pray the Our Father, we ask God to forgive us our sins as […]


Get behind me Satan!

Jesus was facing temptation from one of His closest companions. Satan was tempting Him through Peter by saying He didn’t have to go through His passion and die. In last weeks gospel, Jesus calls Peter the rock on which He will build His church and this week He is calling His rock Satan. Jesus says, […]


Upon this Rock

When we see statues of saints toppling, churches burning, and people turning away from the faith, it is easy to get discouraged. We need to remember Jesus’ words that the gates of the netherworld will not prevail. He never said that life would be free from storms, only that evil will not win. Jesus needed […]


Great is your faith!

The Canaanite woman says, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps of their masters.” This reminds me of the story of the prodigal son. The prodigal son says, “How many hired servants of my father’s have enough bread and bread to spare, and I perish with hunger”. Both the woman and the son […]


Lord Save Me!

How many times have you prayed, “Lord save me!” during tough or challenging moments? Have you ever felt like you were sinking down into sadness, fear, or despair? I know I have encountered some of those feelings. There will be many frightening, stressful, and sad moments in this world that will test our faith. The […]


Five loaves and two fish is all we have.

Do you ever feel like like you don’t have enough? I’m not talented enough, wealthy enough, or patient enough to make a difference. Especially during this pandemic, we may feel beat down and drained. Use your talents and gifts the best you can and God will multiply them. The disciples didn’t think they had enough […]