Faith Getting to Heaven Guardian Angels Guidance and Direction Listen Meaning of Life Spiritual Truth

Please, God Let Me Live Again

Jesus told his disciples that He came into the world to testify to the truth, and everyone who belongs to the truth listens to His voice. Yet many struggle to hear the truth because they filter out anything that challenges their beliefs. We must actively seek the truth, including the essential truth of our own worth.

In It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey wishes he was never born, but learns how much the world needed him. Like George, many people let despair creep into their hearts and entertain thoughts of giving up. Difficult days will come for all of us—days when everything feels wrong and we question our purpose. In those moments, we must keep our focus on the goal: reaching Heaven. A successful, happy, and problem-free life has never been a requirement for entry into Heaven.

We each have a guardian angel who prays for us and protects us on our journey to Heaven. Turn to your guardian angel in prayer, asking for strength and guidance during life’s challenges. We may not be George Bailey, the luckiest man on the face of the Earth who had his angel come to him in person and show him just how truly loved and special he is. However, we are all deeply loved and treasured in God’s eyes, and He calls us to the use the unique talents that He has given us to fulfill our purpose.

Every person has a talent, and if you haven’t discovered yours yet, dedicate time to finding it. We are also all called to contribute to society and make the world a better place. Life may feel overwhelming at times, but never let yourself believe you are worthless. You are priceless. God gave you an eternal soul and loves you beyond measure.

Take a moment to reflect: How are you living your life? Are you merely existing, letting each day pass without meaning? Or are you seeking the truth and living with purpose? Jesus Christ is the truth, and His words give our lives meaning and purpose. There are so many people whose lives you have touched and many more out there who need you. When we embrace the truth, we stop merely existing and begin living again.