Body of Christ evangelization Getting to Heaven Labor Meaning of Life Spiritual Talent

Pointing to Christ Through Our Daily Life

Throughout history, humanity has achieved incredible milestones. We’ve reached this point thanks to the ingenuity and hard work of countless individuals. While each person’s contributions have varied, together we’ve accomplished remarkable things.

Every day, I rely on inventions and conveniences that I can’t imagine living without. Indoor plumbing and electricity, for example, vastly improve my quality of life. I’m grateful to shop at a grocery store instead of hunting or foraging for food. And every time I fly across the country, I’m thankful I’m not making the journey in a Conestoga wagon.

Each of us has a purpose, and it’s essential to find ways to contribute to society. Don’t settle for doing the bare minimum, and don’t drift through life without passion. We all need reasons to get out of bed in the morning, and one of those reasons should be a desire to make the world better.

I hold a deep respect for the priesthood. Many priests have come into my life, inspiring me with their dedication and example. I’m profoundly grateful they chose to answer their vocational call. To me, priests are like celebrities; meeting one excites me more than encountering any famous person.

No matter our profession—whether prestigious or humble—our ultimate duty is to point others to Jesus. He is the true celebrity, and without Him, we are nothing. When we live out our faith authentically, our coworkers, customers, and everyone we meet should easily recognize us as Christians.

We are not here solely to improve the world, as the world itself is temporary. Instead, our focus should be on leading others to eternal happiness. By showing others the way, the truth, and the life, we can help them find the joy that lasts forever.