
  • Glorify the Lord by Your Life

    We exist because of God’s immense love for us. Even after humanity turned away from Him through original sin, He sent His Son to redeem us. There is no way to fully repay God for His love, but we can use this life to glorify Him and strive to become more like Him. In this…

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  • Led By the Spirit for Forty Days

    What does our relationship with God look like right now? Are we closer to our family, friends, and loved ones than we are to God? Do we find more joy in the things of the world than in the love and freedom Jesus has given us? As we journey through Lent, let’s invite the Holy…

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  • Every Tree is Known by Its Fruit

    At the end of our lives, when we pass into the next, we will see the fruits of our labor. Every decision we’ve made will reveal how it has shaped the lives of others, for better or worse. The phrase “fake news” gets thrown around a lot, but deception surrounds us everywhere. Yet, when we…

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