
Anxiety and Worry

We go about our daily hustle completing lists and accomplishing tasks, all the while worried about tomorrow. I think we all have at least a little fear and apprehension as to what curve balls life will throw our way. It’s good to plan, prepare, and work hard so we will be ready for the surprises […]


Don’t Stress the Test

Don’t we all hate taking tests? I just had to go through my annual pilot ground and flight simulator training. I got put through the wringer in all kinds of bad situations and had to correctly deal with them. Tests can be stressful, especially when your job is on the line. We need to remember […]


What are You Looking For?

Life is busy. We are always doing something from our long to do list. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. We all have goals and aspirations in life, but what are we really looking for? Don’t we all love the feeling we get when we buy […]