Catholic Church Child of God evangelization Faith family Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Role Models Spiritual

The Child Grew and Became Strong, Filled with Wisdom

As a parent, I want the best for my children. I want them to grow in knowledge—not just of this world, but of the next. I pray for their safety, health, and for them to become adults who radiate light and love to others. Mary and Joseph must have felt the same way about Jesus. […]

Body of Christ evangelization Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Light Meaning of Life Role Models Spiritual

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me

Jesus came into the world not only to open the path to Heaven for all of humanity but also to show us how to find and follow it. After His ascension, the apostles and early disciples were entrusted with spreading the good news of salvation. This message has been passed down through generations. Now, as […]

Faith Father Fire Getting to Heaven Holy Spirit Pain and Suffering Perseverance Purification Spiritual

Baptism of Fire

Many wondered if John the Baptist was the Christ, but John put an end to that speculation, saying, “I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of His sandals.” He also declared, “I baptize you with water… He will baptize you with Spirit and fire.” Fire is a force that demands respect. It has the […]

Christmas Getting to Heaven Jesus Light Meaning of Life Purification Sacrament Spiritual Temptation Transfiguration

Love Changes Everything

The magi originally intended to report back to Herod about Jesus. However, after encountering the child and receiving a warning in a dream not to return to Herod, they chose a different path home. It’s hard not to be changed after encountering Jesus. Jesus came to bring transformation to the world. He once said, “Do […]

Body of Christ evangelization Getting to Heaven Labor Meaning of Life Spiritual Talent

Pointing to Christ Through Our Daily Life

Throughout history, humanity has achieved incredible milestones. We’ve reached this point thanks to the ingenuity and hard work of countless individuals. While each person’s contributions have varied, together we’ve accomplished remarkable things. Every day, I rely on inventions and conveniences that I can’t imagine living without. Indoor plumbing and electricity, for example, vastly improve my […]

Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Light Meaning of Life Spiritual Truth

Come to the Light

We sometimes feel like we are in the dark and have a hard time discerning what to do or where to go in life. There are so many choices available to us and we can easily get overwhelmed. We can even have a tough time deciding on what is right and wrong and good or […]

Christmas Follow God Guidance and Direction Spiritual

Search Diligently for the Child

The Magi saw the star and interpreted the signs and prophecies that led them on a journey to find the Messiah. When they found Him, they had come prepared with appropriate gifts. Gold represents Jesus’s place as king. Frankincense represents His divinity and myrrh represents His humanity and foreshadows His ultimate death. We are all […]