Dedicated to Debbie Barnes, a beautiful spirit who lost her battle with cancer, but won the war and is now rejoicing in Heaven with her Father. When humanity turned against God’s will and chose our own will, we spiritually died. The tomb was closed and when someone died, they were dead forever. There was no […]
Tag: death
Overcoming Fear and Death
Just look around the world today and we will see fear and death all over the place. A lot of people are worried about their health and the health of their children and loved ones. If they aren’t worried about illness or death, they may be worried about their job, their freedom, their country, or […]
Don’t Stress the Test

Don’t we all hate taking tests? I just had to go through my annual pilot ground and flight simulator training. I got put through the wringer in all kinds of bad situations and had to correctly deal with them. Tests can be stressful, especially when your job is on the line. We need to remember […]
What are You Looking For?

Life is busy. We are always doing something from our long to do list. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. We all have goals and aspirations in life, but what are we really looking for? Don’t we all love the feeling we get when we buy […]
Stay Awake

This year has been a crazy year so far. It seems like everything has been cancelled. Some people are afraid to go places, and those that are not worried have a hard time finding somewhere to go that is open. Even churches were closed for awhile leaving people feeling isolated and empty. Many people think […]
Get behind me Satan!

Jesus was facing temptation from one of His closest companions. Satan was tempting Him through Peter by saying He didn’t have to go through His passion and die. In last weeks gospel, Jesus calls Peter the rock on which He will build His church and this week He is calling His rock Satan. Jesus says, […]