Beatitude Body of Christ Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Joy Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Peer Pressure Perseverance Purification Put Others First rejoicing Role Models Saints Selflessness Spiritual

Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us how to be truly blessed and find lasting happiness. Each beatitude offers a valuable lesson, but the overarching message is clear: we are not called to think and act like the world tells us to. Instead, we must align our lives with God’s will. Let’s explore each beatitude […]

Faith Father Fire Getting to Heaven Holy Spirit Pain and Suffering Perseverance Purification Spiritual

Baptism of Fire

Many wondered if John the Baptist was the Christ, but John put an end to that speculation, saying, “I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of His sandals.” He also declared, “I baptize you with water… He will baptize you with Spirit and fire.” Fire is a force that demands respect. It has the […]

Faith Getting to Heaven Guardian Angels Guidance and Direction Listen Meaning of Life Spiritual Truth

Please, God Let Me Live Again

Jesus told his disciples that He came into the world to testify to the truth, and everyone who belongs to the truth listens to His voice. Yet many struggle to hear the truth because they filter out anything that challenges their beliefs. We must actively seek the truth, including the essential truth of our own […]

Child of God Compassion Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Meaning of Life Spiritual Trust

Jesus, Have Pity on Me

Life can be a good experience for some, but others face more hardships. Recently, hurricanes Helene and Milton devastated many people. You just need to watch the news to see houses floating down rivers and flood waters pouring into homes. Severe weather is only one way life can hit hard. Others deal with a wide […]

Body of Christ Eucharist Getting to Heaven Health Sacrament Spiritual

Give Us This Bread Always

In last week’s Gospel, Jesus multiplied the loaves and fed the multitude of people. This week, Jesus tells us not to work for food that perishes, but for food that will last forever. While we need food to keep our bodies healthy, we should primarily strive to keep our souls happy and healthy. Jesus said, […]

Depression Faith Father Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Reward Spiritual

God Provides Abundantly

Many families struggle to make ends meet, especially with rising prices and stagnant wages. Living paycheck to paycheck is common, and many feel depressed. I’ve been all over the country and have seen many of the homeless and outcasts of society. Those in need often feel unheard and abandoned. However, Jesus provides for those who […]


Rejoice and Be Glad, For Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

We live in the valley of tears where pain, suffering, and death persist. Not only is life in general sometimes hard to bear, but it’s also tough to consistently live a virtuous life and say no to all the temptations that come our way. While following the path of Jesus is not an easy one, […]