evangelization Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Light Love Meaning of Life Purgatory Purification Spiritual Transfiguration

Glorify the Lord by Your Life

We exist because of God’s immense love for us. Even after humanity turned away from Him through original sin, He sent His Son to redeem us. There is no way to fully repay God for His love, but we can use this life to glorify Him and strive to become more like Him. In this […]

Almsgiving Faith fasting Getting to Heaven Good fruit Guidance and Direction Labor lent Meaning of Life prayer Spiritual

Every Tree is Known by Its Fruit

At the end of our lives, when we pass into the next, we will see the fruits of our labor. Every decision we’ve made will reveal how it has shaped the lives of others, for better or worse. The phrase “fake news” gets thrown around a lot, but deception surrounds us everywhere. Yet, when we […]

Catholic Church Child of God evangelization Faith family Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Role Models Spiritual

The Child Grew and Became Strong, Filled with Wisdom

As a parent, I want the best for my children. I want them to grow in knowledge—not just of this world, but of the next. I pray for their safety, health, and for them to become adults who radiate light and love to others. Mary and Joseph must have felt the same way about Jesus. […]

Body of Christ evangelization Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Light Meaning of Life Role Models Spiritual

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me

Jesus came into the world not only to open the path to Heaven for all of humanity but also to show us how to find and follow it. After His ascension, the apostles and early disciples were entrusted with spreading the good news of salvation. This message has been passed down through generations. Now, as […]

Catholic Church evangelization Faith Getting to Heaven Spiritual

Evangelization is an Ad-venture

We live in a society that bombards us with ads and commercials. Websites and apps are full of ads, and it’s hard to watch any kind of video without having to endure lots of commercial fluff. Billboards line the roads and ads are even on the sides of vehicles. Companies want to make money, and […]

evangelization Guidance and Direction Spiritual

As the Father Has Sent Me, so I Send You

Staying on the right path to Heaven isn’t an easy task. It seems like it takes a lot of effort just to ensure we’re taking care of our own spiritual life. However, one of the biggest things every Christian is tasked with is evangelization and helping others get to Heaven as well. While it’s important […]