
Think Like God

There are so many people who are confused about life. Some become so depressed with life that they try to escape reality and just fast forward through life. It’s easy to turn to things like drugs, alcohol, or even cell phones and multimedia devices to escape reality. People can also use their jobs as a […]


Jesus, Remember Me

Life is not meant to be travelled alone. If we don’t already know that life can be tough, we will find out eventually. I try my best to help lead my children in the right direction, but as many parents know, kids don’t always listen. God also tries to lead His children in the right […]


I Will Rise and Go to My Father

If there is one thing that all of humanity has in common, it is making mistakes and poor choices. Some people have completely abandoned the road to Heaven and have chosen a path that will ultimately lead to destruction. Others, are trying to do the right thing, but continue to slip up over and over. […]


Divine Mercy

Ever since the first sin was committed, humanity has perfected the art of sinning. As a whole, we have checked off just about every sin possible and we keep repeating them over and over. It is sometimes hard to imagine a God who would continue to forgive us after we keep doing so much wrong. […]


When our Heroes Let us Down

We all have people that we look up to, admire, and trust. A good role model can help us to be a better person. When we find good and holy role models, they can help us grow closer to God. The sad part is when these role models let us down through sin of their […]



You won’t believe what he did to me! Just wait until everyone hears about this! She is going to be in so much trouble! Are these the words we want Jesus to say about us when we do something wrong? When we pray the Our Father, we ask God to forgive us our sins as […]