Beatitude Body of Christ Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Joy Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Peer Pressure Perseverance Purification Put Others First rejoicing Role Models Saints Selflessness Spiritual

Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us how to be truly blessed and find lasting happiness. Each beatitude offers a valuable lesson, but the overarching message is clear: we are not called to think and act like the world tells us to. Instead, we must align our lives with God’s will. Let’s explore each beatitude […]

Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual

They Left Everything and Followed Him

Life offers many paths, each filled with opportunities and choices. The great gift we have is the ability to decide where we go and what we do. However, every choice we make closes the door to other possibilities. A man who chooses to become a Catholic priest gives up the option of marriage. A pilot […]

End Times Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Meaning of Life Spiritual

Standing Before the Son of Man

Our lives take many different directions, but ultimately, we all stand before Jesus. He will judge each of us based on how we lived and loved. When that moment comes, there will be no time to make amends, so we must stay prepared.  I remember cramming for tests in school. Some tests, though, came unannounced, […]

Demonic Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Lost shepherd Spiritual Temptation

The Lord is My Shepherd

Sheep thrive under a shepherd’s care. Without one, they tend to wander and get lost. Predators can easily attack unprotected sheep and the flock is more prone to illness. The shepherd ensures the sheep have adequate food and water, and keeps the flock together. Jesus is our shepherd and we need to let Him lead […]

Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Selflessness Spiritual Temptation

We Have Found the Messiah

Let’s face it, humanity screwed up. We were living in paradise in communion with God and we managed to find a way to mess it up. We gave into selfish temptations, broke our relationship with God, and got kicked out of paradise. Ever since our fall, humanity has been searching for a savior. Even to […]


My Way or the Highway

We all have goals and aspirations for our life and we spend lots of time trying to achieve them. This is especially the case for those living in free countries like the U.S. where people are afforded much freedom to do what they want. Even God gives all of us the free will to choose […]


This Soul Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us

Every day we have an interior struggle of good vs evil. We can be inspired to do good and tempted to do bad. The gift that we are given by God is free will and we get the final say as to what force we let in, good or evil. The one caveat is that […]