Many times we look at this world and wonder how and why things got so messed up. We are living in an era where all life could be wiped out at any moment. Just look at what’s going on with the conflict in Ukraine. The situation could easily escalate to the point of all out […]
Tag: God’s plan
Trust in the Lord
We all have a list of things we want and have feelings of what we think we deserve in life. We have a plan of how things are supposed to go and when things don’t go our way, we turn to the complaint department. The one who gets bombarded with the complaints is God. God […]
The Window of Possibilities
As perfect as we may try to be, we inevitably will fall into temptation and sin. When we do embrace the darkness and our own selflessness, it’s amazing how hard we try to hide from God. The light from God is so bright and pure that it is unnerving and uncomfortable for us who are […]
Divine Mercy

Ever since the first sin was committed, humanity has perfected the art of sinning. As a whole, we have checked off just about every sin possible and we keep repeating them over and over. It is sometimes hard to imagine a God who would continue to forgive us after we keep doing so much wrong. […]
You are Cordially Invited
You are invited to a place that will make you happy beyond your wildest dreams. This place will put an end to any suffering, pain, or stress that you have. You will understand the mind of God, all of creation, and how you fit into it. You will join with everyone else invited and bask […]
Get behind me Satan!

Jesus was facing temptation from one of His closest companions. Satan was tempting Him through Peter by saying He didn’t have to go through His passion and die. In last weeks gospel, Jesus calls Peter the rock on which He will build His church and this week He is calling His rock Satan. Jesus says, […]