Catholic Church Divine Mercy Faith Getting to Heaven Listen rejoicing Reward Spiritual Trust Truth

Why Do Questions Arise in Your Hearts?

When Jesus appeared to His disciples, they were frightened and thought He was a ghost. Jesus had to jump through hoops to prove that He was actually there in body and soul. He showed them His hands and feet and even ate something in front of them. He then recited the scripture detailing how the […]

evangelization Guidance and Direction Spiritual

As the Father Has Sent Me, so I Send You

Staying on the right path to Heaven isn’t an easy task. It seems like it takes a lot of effort just to ensure we’re taking care of our own spiritual life. However, one of the biggest things every Christian is tasked with is evangelization and helping others get to Heaven as well. While it’s important […]

Demonic Spiritual Temptation Witchcraft and Wizardry

The Unclean Spirits

I remember when I first learned the truth about Santa Claus and how my belief just evaporated into thin air. Reality smacks us in the face sometimes when we discover the truth. I had a good smack recently when I discovered the truth about the demonic and how very real they are. I’ve always been […]

Catholic Church Follow God Forgiveness Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Hell Sacrament Selflessness Spiritual

They Abandoned Their Nets and Followed Him

Jesus called his Apostles to follow Him and they left everything behind to follow Him. Jesus also calls us to follow Him as well and the path He leads us down requires us to abandon certain things in our life. We can’t just change a little and expect to get where Jesus is leading us. […]

Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Selflessness Spiritual Temptation

We Have Found the Messiah

Let’s face it, humanity screwed up. We were living in paradise in communion with God and we managed to find a way to mess it up. We gave into selfish temptations, broke our relationship with God, and got kicked out of paradise. Ever since our fall, humanity has been searching for a savior. Even to […]

Body of Christ family Role Models Sacrament Spiritual

The Holy Family

The family is a special and important relationship. Usually, the people we are closest to in life are part of our family. We can let our guard down and relax when we are around our family. I’ve got lots of good memories growing up with my family and now I’m making lots more good memories […]


The People Who Sit in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

I’m sure just about everyone has had moments of confusion, depression, and uncertainty in their lives. Life happens and, unfortunately, we are often left in the dark as to what direction to take. We are confused even more because the world tells us to have one set of priorities and Jesus teaches us to have […]