Body of Christ family Role Models Sacrament Spiritual

The Holy Family

The family is a special and important relationship. Usually, the people we are closest to in life are part of our family. We can let our guard down and relax when we are around our family. I’ve got lots of good memories growing up with my family and now I’m making lots more good memories […]

Advent Body of Christ Christmas Getting to Heaven Put Others First Role Models Selflessness Spiritual

The Lord is With You

We are about to enter into the fourth Sunday of Advent and, this year, Christmas is right on it’s heels. The theme for the fourth Sunday of Advent is love and this theme is also applicable to Christmas. As John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so […]

Advent Father Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Love Meaning of Life Spiritual

Rejoicing in God Our Savior

As we enter into the third week of Advent, let’s embrace the theme of the week, which is joy. We should also work to rekindle the special joy that God brings us. Lots of things bring us joy, but the biggest joy we receive should be from God. Joy is defined as a feeling of […]

Advent End Times Light Meaning of Life Peace Put Others First Spiritual

Prepare the Way

We each have many duties and responsibilities, but one of the most important duties we have is to prepare the way for Jesus’ return. When Jesus returns, He will have no problem putting His adversaries beneath Him. However, how easily will He find people to bring back to paradise with Him? We have the ability […]

Advent Christmas Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Light Meaning of Life Spiritual

Keep Christ in our Christmas List

It’s a busy world out there. We all have a long list of things that we need to get done every week and we often have trouble finding time to accomplish everything on our list. Task management needs to be used in order to prioritize accomplishing the most important tasks. My tasks usually are broken […]

Body of Christ Compassion Gifts and Giving Light Love Put Others First Spiritual

The Love Within Us

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we look forward to the Advent and Christmas season. This is a stressful time for many people because they worry about shopping for Christmas presents and are also anxious as to what they may receive. The advertisements all try to convince us that we need this or that […]

Gifts and Giving Guidance and Direction Labor Light Put Others First Role Models Spiritual Talent

Unleash Your Talents

God blesses the world with a diverse multitude of talented people. When everyone contributes their talent, the world becomes a better place. Not only should we each contribute to society through our profession, we should also use our various talents to bring people to a closer relationship with God. We not only have the ability […]