
What Should We Do?

In the Gospel for this week, many people from different professions came to John the Baptist and asked him, “What should we do?” We are all at least a little curious of what to do sometimes. I do believe that God can show us signs of what to do and inspire that gut feeling inside […]


If You Build It…

As I was reading the Gospel for this week, I gained some inspiration when I read the words, “A voice crying out in the desert: prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.” I imagined a voice similar to the one in the movie Field of Dreams whispering, “Prepare the way of the […]


Stand Erect and Raise Your Heads

Life is full of wonderful moments, but it’s also full of much sadness, fear, and worry. While one person celebrates a gain, another grieves a loss. One person is overjoyed with a win while another is depressed from a failure. No matter if life treats us good or bad, we need to keep our eyes […]


Testify to the Truth

The truth is something we like to seek out. We have so many unanswered questions that we wish we could have answered. What is out there in the universe? Why were we created? What is heaven like and how do we get there? Why did someone think it was a good idea to put peanut […]


The Tribulation and the End

With everything going on in the world, many people are saying we are close to the great tribulation and end times. We are in a huge pandemic that has killed over 5 million people worldwide so far. In addition to physical death and illness, this pandemic has divided families and friends, and even affected the […]


My Two Cents

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. Thanksgiving is a time when we should reflect on all the ways that we have been blessed. Not only should we all thank God for our blessings, but we should also thank the many people who have contributed to our life in a positive way. We can […]


Are You Afraid of the Dark?

We rely on our senses to navigate this world and when it’s dark we lose our ability to see well. We feel nervous and fearful when we can’t see what’s around us. Our mind can fill in the gaps from our lack of vision. We feel something brush against us or hear a creak and […]