fasting lent Spiritual Temptation

Into the Desert

I would have preferred to title this blog “Into the Dessert,” but I think the current title is more appropriate for the season of Lent. I do love my desserts though. They help make a hard day a little better and a good day great. However, life brings us many deserts and going through one […]

Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Listen Obedience Peer Pressure Perseverance Selflessness Spiritual Temptation

The Beauty of Saying Yes to God

Jesus healed many people during His ministry on Earth and He often asked the people that He healed to not tell anyone. However, in just about every case, the healed person couldn’t keep the secret and before long everyone knew about the healing. While Jesus wanted the word spread about Him, He wanted to better […]

Listen prayer Spiritual Thanksgiving

The Power of Prayer

Jesus did many great things in His life on Earth. Not only did He teach us how to live in order to get to Heaven, He also performed many miracles, healed many sick people, and even raised the dead. However, He also often went off alone to pray to His Father. In order for any […]

Catholic Church Follow God Forgiveness Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Hell Sacrament Selflessness Spiritual

They Abandoned Their Nets and Followed Him

Jesus called his Apostles to follow Him and they left everything behind to follow Him. Jesus also calls us to follow Him as well and the path He leads us down requires us to abandon certain things in our life. We can’t just change a little and expect to get where Jesus is leading us. […]

Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Obedience Put Others First Selflessness Spiritual Temptation

We Have Found the Messiah

Let’s face it, humanity screwed up. We were living in paradise in communion with God and we managed to find a way to mess it up. We gave into selfish temptations, broke our relationship with God, and got kicked out of paradise. Ever since our fall, humanity has been searching for a savior. Even to […]

Christmas Follow God Guidance and Direction Spiritual

Search Diligently for the Child

The Magi saw the star and interpreted the signs and prophecies that led them on a journey to find the Messiah. When they found Him, they had come prepared with appropriate gifts. Gold represents Jesus’s place as king. Frankincense represents His divinity and myrrh represents His humanity and foreshadows His ultimate death. We are all […]

Body of Christ family Role Models Sacrament Spiritual

The Holy Family

The family is a special and important relationship. Usually, the people we are closest to in life are part of our family. We can let our guard down and relax when we are around our family. I’ve got lots of good memories growing up with my family and now I’m making lots more good memories […]