
A Spring of Water Welling Up to Eternal Life

We all seek to have purpose in life. Some of my worst days are those spent doing nothing and my best are those where I am productive and am able to accomplish something. Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? We all have a thirst within us for something more, but what […]


Don’t Look For the Bare Necessities

The big question for most people of faith is, “What do I need to do to get to Heaven?” Does following the Ten Commandments, get us there? What about accepting Jesus Christ as our savior and trusting in His love and mercy? The secular world might say that as long as someone is a good […]


Rejoice and Be Glad, For Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

We live in the valley of tears where pain, suffering, and death persist. Not only is life in general sometimes hard to bear, but it’s also tough to consistently live a virtuous life and say no to all the temptations that come our way. While following the path of Jesus is not an easy one, […]


Jesus, Remember Me

Life is not meant to be travelled alone. If we don’t already know that life can be tough, we will find out eventually. I try my best to help lead my children in the right direction, but as many parents know, kids don’t always listen. God also tries to lead His children in the right […]


Children of God

We are a people of many professions and vocations. Some people are called to get married, others are called to be single, and the ones who I especially look up to are those who choose the call to the religious life. When we get our vocation calling right, God uses that vocation to help lead […]


Directions to Heaven

When the Son of Man comes will he find faith on earth? This is a valid question, especially when we look at what’s going on in the world today. I would say that most people believe in God, but they are divided in regards to His teachings. Many Catholics tend to pick and choose what […]


Don’t Fast Forward Through Life

There aren’t too many Adam Sandler movies that have a deep message behind them, but the movie Click is one of them. In the movie, Sandler’s character, Michael Newman, gets a magical remote that lets him control time and even fast forward through parts of his life. He starts out slow, but then starts skipping […]