
Let it Shine

Why is it that rich people always get a bad rap in the Bible? Is having money evil? Is it bad to live a pleasurable life and do we really need to live in poverty to get into Heaven? We all have different careers and financial backgrounds and so we will also all have different […]


The Cost of Discipleship

Have you ever started a project or endeavor that looked appealing at first, but turned out to be harder than you thought? Numerous times I have said to myself, “What have I gotten myself into.” I sometimes watch YouTube videos on how to fix things and I will say to myself, “That looks easy enough […]


Stand Erect and Raise Your Heads

Life is full of wonderful moments, but it’s also full of much sadness, fear, and worry. While one person celebrates a gain, another grieves a loss. One person is overjoyed with a win while another is depressed from a failure. No matter if life treats us good or bad, we need to keep our eyes […]


Airway to Heaven

You book a flight for an upcoming trip that you have been planning for a long time. When you get to the airport for your flight, you find out that you have been upgraded to first class at no extra charge. During the flight, you are served a delicious meal. The cabin crew helps make […]


Don’t Stress the Test

Don’t we all hate taking tests? I just had to go through my annual pilot ground and flight simulator training. I got put through the wringer in all kinds of bad situations and had to correctly deal with them. Tests can be stressful, especially when your job is on the line. We need to remember […]


Repay to God What Is God’s

The gospel for today reminds me of the old saying from Benjamin Franklin which says, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” In the gospel, Jesus says to repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. What belongs to God? God created everything and put existence […]


You are Cordially Invited

You are invited to a place that will make you happy beyond your wildest dreams. This place will put an end to any suffering, pain, or stress that you have. You will understand the mind of God, all of creation, and how you fit into it. You will join with everyone else invited and bask […]