Advent Christmas Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Light Meaning of Life Spiritual

Keep Christ in our Christmas List

It’s a busy world out there. We all have a long list of things that we need to get done every week and we often have trouble finding time to accomplish everything on our list. Task management needs to be used in order to prioritize accomplishing the most important tasks. My tasks usually are broken […]

End Times Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Listen Obedience Perseverance Spiritual

Be Prepared

We are living in a crazy time with multiple wars going on along with the threat of more violence to come. We are on the brink of a recession and families are already struggling to make ends meet. We also have a spiritual war going on. There is an attack on the family and an […]

Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Morality Reward Spiritual

Many are Invited, but Few are Chosen

At the beginning of humanity’s existence, God had us living in paradise with Him. It was only after we messed it up and committed sin that we were kicked out. We were forbidden entry into Heaven until Jesus came into the world as a human and gave His life for us. The invitation to have […]


Don’t Look For the Bare Necessities

The big question for most people of faith is, “What do I need to do to get to Heaven?” Does following the Ten Commandments, get us there? What about accepting Jesus Christ as our savior and trusting in His love and mercy? The secular world might say that as long as someone is a good […]


I’m in a Heavenly State of Mind

Trust is a big part of helping societies not only exist, but also prosper. When someone hands me a check, I’m trusting that they have the amount for the check in their bank account. I trust that the food is safe to eat when I go to a restaurant. If I require surgery, I trust […]