Jesus called his Apostles to follow Him and they left everything behind to follow Him. Jesus also calls us to follow Him as well and the path He leads us down requires us to abandon certain things in our life. We can’t just change a little and expect to get where Jesus is leading us. […]
Tag: Jesus Christ
Let’s face it, humanity screwed up. We were living in paradise in communion with God and we managed to find a way to mess it up. We gave into selfish temptations, broke our relationship with God, and got kicked out of paradise. Ever since our fall, humanity has been searching for a savior. Even to […]
Make Known the Message
The shepherds who visited the baby Jesus, made known to others the good news about His birth. Even before Jesus spoke His first word and the world knew what He was like, the news of His birth spread hope throughout the area. Hope is something the world could benefit from today as well. In a […]
The Light of the Human Race
As much as I talk about letting our one little light shine, we all should give thanks to Jesus Christ for coming into the world and showing us the ultimate source of all light. Jesus lights the way to lead us to His Father and shows us how to best let our light shine to […]
Jesus was rejected by the world and crucified. He came into the world to show people the way and the truth, but many people didn’t want to follow Him or listen to Him. The message that Jesus proclaimed required the world to get rid of their old ways or get rid of Him. They chose […]