
Anxiety and Worry

We go about our daily hustle completing lists and accomplishing tasks, all the while worried about tomorrow. I think we all have at least a little fear and apprehension as to what curve balls life will throw our way. It’s good to plan, prepare, and work hard so we will be ready for the surprises […]


Keep My Word

One of the things that gives me a lot of fulfillment is successfully completing a project. I like to watch videos on how to fix something or how to accomplish a specific task. Most of the time, the video makes it look easy and then when I actually go to do it, some problem arises […]


This is my Chosen Son, Listen to Him

Many times we look at this world and wonder how and why things got so messed up. We are living in an era where all life could be wiped out at any moment. Just look at what’s going on with the conflict in Ukraine. The situation could easily escalate to the point of all out […]


Be Opened

The world can be a noisy and distracting place. Our ears are bombarded with so much noise and filth from all around us and can get clogged up, preventing us from truly listening. We need to clean out our ears and work at keeping them clean and clear. Did you listen to the back and […]