Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Labor laziness Pain and Suffering Spiritual Temptation

I Say to You Arise

In the Gospel for this weekend, a man named Jairus approached Jesus and asked Him to heal his daughter who was about to die. When Jesus got to the girl, the people said she had already died. Jesus said not to worry because she was just sleeping, and then He called on the girl to […]

Body of Christ Demonic Depression Division Follow God Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Put Others First Sadness Selflessness Spiritual Temptation

Divide and Conquer

I like to stay informed about what’s going on in the world, but I don’t enjoy watching or reading stories from most news outlets. The news usually has a negative and opinionated slant to it and often pits two factions against each other or talks negatively about an individual or a group. This creates a […]

Body of Christ Catholic Church Eucharist Follow God Getting to Heaven Jesus Sacrament Spiritual

The Sacrifice that Gives Us Eternal Life

In ancient times, animal sacrifices were held for a variety of reasons. Sacrifices were made to show honor to gods, for atonement, purification, fertility, bountiful harvests, covenants, oaths, and also for communal bonding. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by offering Himself as the sacrificial lamb for us. He also invites us to enter into His […]

Body of Christ Follow God Free Will Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Listen Spiritual

The Good Shepherd

God created the Heavens and the Earth, the plants and the animals, all of the angels, and caused everything in the entire universe to come to existence. However, out of all of creation, only humanity was blessed to be made in the image of God. From the beginning, God intended us to be in a […]

Catholic Church Divine Mercy Faith Getting to Heaven Listen rejoicing Reward Spiritual Trust Truth

Why Do Questions Arise in Your Hearts?

When Jesus appeared to His disciples, they were frightened and thought He was a ghost. Jesus had to jump through hoops to prove that He was actually there in body and soul. He showed them His hands and feet and even ate something in front of them. He then recited the scripture detailing how the […]

fasting Getting to Heaven laziness Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Reward Spiritual Temptation

The Spirit is Willing, but the Flesh is Weak

Most people seem to have lots of goals that they want to pursue, but when it comes time to actually doing them, they struggle. I’ve noticed that as I get older, I’m not able to do the same things that I did when I was in my prime. My mind still thinks of myself as […]

Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Spiritual

Unless a Grain of Wheat Shall Fall

The world gives us so many possibilities of things to do and so many opportunities to do them. From a young age, we are taught to pursue our dreams, get a good job, make a lot of money, and live life to the fullest. We come up with a plan for what we want to […]