Beatitude Body of Christ Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Joy Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Peer Pressure Perseverance Purification Put Others First rejoicing Role Models Saints Selflessness Spiritual

Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us how to be truly blessed and find lasting happiness. Each beatitude offers a valuable lesson, but the overarching message is clear: we are not called to think and act like the world tells us to. Instead, we must align our lives with God’s will. Let’s explore each beatitude […]

Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual

They Left Everything and Followed Him

Life offers many paths, each filled with opportunities and choices. The great gift we have is the ability to decide where we go and what we do. However, every choice we make closes the door to other possibilities. A man who chooses to become a Catholic priest gives up the option of marriage. A pilot […]

Faith Getting to Heaven Guardian Angels Guidance and Direction Listen Meaning of Life Spiritual Truth

Please, God Let Me Live Again

Jesus told his disciples that He came into the world to testify to the truth, and everyone who belongs to the truth listens to His voice. Yet many struggle to hear the truth because they filter out anything that challenges their beliefs. We must actively seek the truth, including the essential truth of our own […]

Child of God Compassion Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Meaning of Life Spiritual Trust

Jesus, Have Pity on Me

Life can be a good experience for some, but others face more hardships. Recently, hurricanes Helene and Milton devastated many people. You just need to watch the news to see houses floating down rivers and flood waters pouring into homes. Severe weather is only one way life can hit hard. Others deal with a wide […]

Catholic Church Faith Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Perseverance Reward Saints Spiritual Trust

I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing

As we get older, we find it easier to understand the world around us. However, there are still many things that we can’t fully understand and explain. Understanding God, His kingdom, and His plan for us requires faith. While we may understand some aspects of reality and much of what Jesus teaches, we need to […]

Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual Trust Unity

Remain in Me, as I Remain in You

Although we may travel far in this world, we should never forget where we came from. Through the help of our parents, God created each of us and gave us not only a physical body, but an everlasting soul. Jesus grants us forgiveness of sins through baptism and reconciliation and allows us tap into the […]

fasting Getting to Heaven laziness Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Reward Spiritual Temptation

The Spirit is Willing, but the Flesh is Weak

Most people seem to have lots of goals that they want to pursue, but when it comes time to actually doing them, they struggle. I’ve noticed that as I get older, I’m not able to do the same things that I did when I was in my prime. My mind still thinks of myself as […]